Are You Or Someone You Know Affected With The Current Rise In Opiod Overuse?

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Have you, a family member, or a friend ever used prescription painkillers to manage your pain levels? In the prior three to four decades, the usage of pharmacological opioids has grown about tenfold exponentially and has had an influence on every American in one way or another. Opioids have detrimental side effects on your body, and on relationships mentally and emotionally. A few consequences are listed below:

  1. You can develop an addiction.
  2. A loved one you care about can pass away from an overdose.
  3. A baby may be born with neonatal abstinence syndrome.
  4. Your teen or you can form a substance abuse disorder.
  5. The expense to American taxpayers is in the billions.

Many Americans are veering away from utilizing analgesic medications and turning to alternatives such as chiropractic for a more long-lasting pain relief. If you or someone you know are looking for alternatives to medications that have addictive side effects, call Fogarty Chiropractic at (321) 636-5200 for information and to schedule your appointment today.

Improving Your Spinal Health

Improving Your Spinal Health

Most Americans are unaware of what it means to be healthy, but it is always beneficial to have a friendly reminder of what needs to