Prevention Through Chiropractic

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Spinal injuries in the workplace cost the American workers over $300 billion per year in lost productivity and medical costs. A simple ten-minute stretch per day before activity can help prevent injuries and spinal degeneration. When we mature as adults our muscles shorten. They heal more slowly, and we are more prone to injuries even with performing the simplest of tasks or repetitive activities.

When you exert beyond the routine that has become comfortable, you create micro tears in the tissues of your muscles. This leads to scar tissue, which leads to less blood supply and then the potential for serious injury. You may experience a symptom such as soreness, a simple strain, or an ache that you are programmed to cover up with aspirin or ibuprofen. When you do this, you are merely masking the pain instead of realizing that the symptom was there for a reason and that you need to take care of yourself and correct the cause.

If you continue with this masked activity, you create more damage to the muscles, and they start to fail. The low back “goes out” on you, you get a “catch” in the neck or shoulder, and the pain becomes severe enough for you to consider a trip to the doctor. This could have possibly been prevented with simple stretches for ten minutes a day prior to your activities. Couple the stretches with chiropractic care and you can be taking on the day at your optimal best! Call us today at Fogarty Chiropractic Life Clinic at (321) 636-5200 to schedule your appointment!



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