Speed Your Recovery and Return to Work in Half the Time

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Have you been injured on the job?

Does it seem as though you’re not getting any better? Are you “pushing” yourself to work around your pain? Don’t just get by, get well with chiropractic! If you or someone you know has been hurt on the job, chiropractic can help.

No matter what your occupation – from a day care worker to a construction worker – you can benefit from a program of chiropractic care. As your Doctor of Chiropractic, we focus on correcting the source of your injury, not just treating your symptoms.

A few understand what it is really like to go through a period of disability.

We do. It takes a toll physically, financially, and emotionally. We have good news for you. You can take control over your life again. That’s why we want you to know how effective chiropractic can be in getting you back to work following an injury. No drugs or surgery involved.

Whether it is an industrial mishap, such as a serious fall, or a cumulative stress injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, our goal is to get you moving pain free.

Schedule your appointment today with Fogarty Chiropractic Life Clinic at (321) 636-5200 to get yourself back on track!

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Chiropractic Care Reduces Stress

Chiropractic care can help you manage your stress Stress is a reality of modern living. Especially in Western Society, where longer hours are being worked and

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