Headaches Are Such a Pain in the Neck

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Many Americans experience and suffer from treacherous headaches.

Whether it is the slight aggravating pressure, to the sharp piercing type that makes us want to crawl into a cave and never come out. Most people believe that taking medication is the solution for their headache without ever realizing what is causing the pain. In addition, all medications pushed or prescribed have side effects that can be debilitating for other body systems.

Headaches can have numerous distinct causes that can range from environmental stimuli, emotional stress, and/or daily behaviors. Many headaches are considered tension, migraine, or cervicogenic headaches. Poor posture regarding various lifestyles, headaches typically arise from muscle tension in the neck and can be exacerbated by certain neck movements.

With routine chiropractic adjustments, patients can slow down the buildup of muscle tension in the neck and maintain proper spinal health.

At Fogarty Chiropractic Life Clinic, we can help identify the cause that is triggering the headache and work to correct the cause of your headaches.

If you have a question about any headaches you may have had or currently have, call and schedule an appointment with Fogarty Chiropractic at (321) 636-5200.