Pregnant? Chiropractic Can Help.

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Are you looking for supportive, natural care that helps your body during pregnancy and childbirth? Chiropractic care throughout the stages of pregnancy can be an essential ingredient to your prenatal care choices. Preexisting but unnoticed imbalances in your spine and pelvis become further stressed during pregnancy. These pronounced discomforts make it difficult to perform routine, daily activities.

A large percentage of pregnant women experience back discomfort/pain during pregnancy. Such discomforts can be:

  1. Sacroiliac Pain

Ligament laxity caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy allows these stable and primarily weight-bearing sacroiliac joints to move and shift. This increased mobility places stress on the surrounding ligaments and muscles, which may cause pain. Patients sometimes incorrectly describe their discomfort as hip pain, however they indicate the sacroiliac joint as the area of complaint.

  1. Low Back Pain

Low back pain during pregnancy is caused by increased stress on the lumbar spine by an anterior shift in center of gravity due to a growing baby. Muscles tend to spasm and become tight, creating altered gait patterns contributing to a wide range of pain severity depending on the patient’s activity level.

  1. Sciatic Nerve Pain

Muscle spasms in the gluteal muscles and deep external rotators can compress the sciatic nerve during pregnancy. The baby’s growth contributes to uterine pressure that can directly compress the sciatic nerve, which results in low back pain with radiation into the legs.

  1. Pubic Symphysis Pain

The hormone Relaxin is produced during pregnancy, which allows the ligaments stabilizing the pubic symphysis joint to relax, which permits the joint to move and separate. Also called Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, or SPD, this condition produces pain and limitation of mobility. It also may contribute to instability of the bony pelvis.

  1. Round Ligament Pain

The round ligaments of the uterus contain muscle fibers that suspend and connect it to the anterolateral abdominal wall on either side. As the uterus grows, the round ligaments stretch and can cause a sharp pain on either side of the abdomen or at the attachment sites of the ligaments near the pubic bones.

Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can relieve and even prevent some of the common discomforts experienced during the stages of pregnancy naturally without the use of drugs. Specific adjustments reduce the causes of stress in the spine and pelvis. Chiropractic care can even provide comfort for your baby too! Call to schedule your appointment today here at Fogarty Chiropractic at (321) 636-5200.

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