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Headaches are a few of those health concerns that can be mild and irritating, severe, and debilitating, or one of several degrees in between.

They can build up gradually or come on abruptly, and no matter how bad the headache may be, nearly everyone wants a solution as soon as possible. There are numerous different types of headaches that a chiropractor can remedy, so it is essential to make an appointment if you feel from any of the following.


A tension headache is perhaps the most widespread type people experience. Some of the common characteristics of a tension headache include a pressing or tightening feeling, bilateral location, mild to moderate intensity, pain lasting from 30 minutes to one week. Tension headaches don’t usually involve nausea or vomiting, but they may include light or sound sensitivity.  The occurrence of tension headaches is not attributed to another health disorder.


Migraine headaches are not as frequent as tension headaches, and they are often misinterpreted for another condition. Fairly often, the individual will attempt to link any unpleasant headache pain to a migraine, but it is not always the issue. Migraine is a condition that can be described as a recurrent headache that lasts up to 72 hours, featuring unilateral pulsating pain of moderate to severe intensity. Migraine pain includes nausea and/or sensitivity to light, and it is often made worse with normal physical activity.

Approximately 20% of migraine sufferers will experience a neurological symptom known as an aura before they get a migraine. Auras take the form of visual disturbances or other sensory disturbances. Sometimes, auras occur between migraine headache attacks. Migraines are not normally related with any other health issue.


Cluster headaches are quite different from both tension headaches and migraines, occurring in only about 1% of the population. While most migraine sufferers are women, men between 20 and 40 are the main recipients of cluster headaches. This type of headache produces severe pain around the eyes or along the side of the head. Attacks usually last from 15 minutes up to 3 hours and can occur approximately 6-8 times in a single day. Tearing, forehead sweating, and nasal congestion may accompany cluster headaches. The extreme pain makes some sufferers restless or agitated during the incident.

If you suffer from any of the above types of headaches and want a natural, non-invasive approach to ease your pain, Fogarty Chiropractic Life Clinic will take the time to assess your health history, medical history, and body to find a long-lasting solution. Call to schedule your appointment today at (321) 636-5200.

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