Chiropractic Care, Spinal Decompression & You

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Do you have “disc problems”? Unlike your teeth and your nails, you only get ONE set of discs! And when your discs go, so goes your mobility, comfort and possibly even your health and… your height!! You’re probably thinking, “Why are we talking about disc disease when I have a million things to do before the holidays… can’t this wait for a better time?”

The truth is, there IS no better time! If you are experiencing muscle weakness, radiating arm or leg pain, hot or cold spots, numbness, or tingling – holiday stress, carting around coolers full of drinks or packing bags for vacation won’t help matters. In fact, if you have a disc problem, over-taxing your body may even aggravate your condition.

Much of the mechanical stress of everyday movement is transferred to your disc! That’s why discs are subject to injury, disease, and degeneration over time. Chiropractic adjustments and spinal decompression can effectively remove painful pressure from your discs.

Untreated, disc problems can lead to chronic pain, nerve damage and spinal degeneration. Even if you don’t have any noticeable symptoms, your discs can be compromised, and you could be heading for serious problems down the road. The sooner you begin maintaining your spinal health, the better your chances are of preventing chronic pain, disability, and the prospect of a risky surgery later in life.

Contact Fogarty Chiropractic Life Clinic today at (321) 636-5200 to schedule your appointment today! You do not need to suffer through the summer months ahead.

An Ongoing Epidemic: Tech Neck

Tech neck can cause chronic low back and neck pain, as well as early degeneration of the spine. See your doctor of chiropractic for preventative