Have you or a loved one ever used prescription painkillers for pain management?
In the past two decades, the use of pharmacological opioids has increased ten-fold and has affected every American in one way or another. Opioids have detrimental side effects on your body, and on relationships mentally and emotionally. A few effects are listed below:
- A loved one you care about can pass away from an overdose.
- You can develop an addiction.
- Your teen or you can develop a substance abuse disorder.
- A baby may be born with neonatal abstinence syndrome.
- The cost to American taxpayers is in the billions.
Many Americans are veering away from using analgesic medications and turning to alternatives such as chiropractic for a more permanent pain relief. If you or someone you know are looking for alternatives to medications that have addictive side effects, call Fogarty Chiropractic at (321) 636-5200 for information and to schedule your appointment today.