Frequently Asked Questions

A. Chiropractic is the largest natural health profession in the world today. The decision to start chiropractic health care will beneficially affect you and your loved ones for the rest of your lives. Your health is our priority and we are here to help you.

Although many different types of health conditions and problems will benefit from our care, our basic purpose with every patient is the same. In chiropractic and this clinic, we are not looking to merely cover up or mask the symptoms you already have. In other words, we are not only interested in making you just feel better; we are interested in you actually being better. This is accomplished when the underlying cause of your problem is completely eliminated, and your body is functioning at its total health potential.

A. In order for your body to function properly, signals from the brain must get to the various parts of your body without any interference, alteration, and/or change. If some form of interference does occur along the pathway from the brain to the body part, that part cannot function properly and some sort of health problem will result.

The most common cause of interference to nerve signals is known as a subluxation.

A subluxation is when one or more of the bones in your spine move out of position and puts pressure on a nerve or nerves and therefore interferes with proper nerve function.

It is the job of the chiropractor to find any of these subluxations that are affecting your nervous system and then correct these subluxations that are the fundamental underlying cause of your problems.

A. Chiropractors adjust your spine to correct subluxations. The adjustment itself is painless and takes only a few minutes. It is the process of repositioning your vertebrae to start to eliminate the nerve interference from your subluxations.

A. In most cases, it took a long time for the spine to develop your problems. Because every nerve in your body is vitally important, we will be reducing and correcting all the subluxations in your spine that we have found. In chiropractic and this clinic, we are not looking to merely cover up or mask the symptoms you already have. In other words, we are not only interested in making you just feel better; we are interested in you actually being better. This is accomplished when the underlying cause of your problem is completely eliminated, and your body is functioning at its total health potential.

The most common cause of interference to nerve signals is known as a subluxation.

A subluxation is when one or more of the bones in your spine move out of position and puts pressure on a nerve or nerves and therefore interferes with proper nerve function.

It is the job of the chiropractor to find any of these subluxations that are affecting your nervous system and then correct these subluxations that are the fundamental underlying cause of your problems.

A. Chiropractors restore proper spinal mechanics that improves nervous system functions.

First, a review of your health background, such as surgeries, accidents, the onset of your condition, and other details affecting your current health help us diagnose your symptoms.

Next, a thorough orthopedic, neurological, and chiropractic examination is performed. X-rays may be taken to uncover structural and functional problems associated with your spine.

Our findings are discussed a treatment plan of adjustments will be developed. Progress is then monitored with periodic examinations and follow ups.

The most common cause of interference to nerve signals is known as a subluxation.

A subluxation is when one or more of the bones in your spine move out of position and puts pressure on a nerve or nerves and therefore interferes with proper nerve function.

It is the job of the chiropractor to find any of these subluxations that are affecting your nervous system and then correct these subluxations that are the fundamental underlying cause of your problems.

A. If you have neglected spinal troubles from early childhood, you may require continuing chiropractic care for optimal spinal function. Long term spinal problems are often associated with muscle weakness, soft tissue damage, and degenerative changes to the spine itself. Regular chiropractic adjustments keep your spine in tip-top shape.

Patients that are active or have stressful jobs want to be at their very best and find that schedules of preventive visits are vital in maintaining good health. Unfortunately, most patients only seek chiropractic care only when their aches and pains become unbearable. While understandable, this type of “crisis management” is usually more costly and time consuming compared to preventive care.

The most common cause of interference to nerve signals is known as a subluxation.

A subluxation is when one or more of the bones in your spine move out of position and puts pressure on a nerve or nerves and therefore interferes with proper nerve function.

It is the job of the chiropractor to find any of these subluxations that are affecting your nervous system and then correct these subluxations that are the fundamental underlying cause of your problems.

A. The short answer is simply “no”.

The simplicity and effectiveness of chiropractic care becomes more and more obvious as we get older and each day, more and more people are consulting chiropractic physicians.

With growing concerns about over medicating, medication abuse, and side effects of combining various prescription drugs, safe and natural chiropractic care is growing in popularity each year.

Restoring better spinal function has been proven to improve mobility, vitality, endurance, patient appetite and overall quality of life. Many of our patients report that regular adjustments have improved their arthritic symptoms and other chronic ailments associated with aging. Since everyone is different, our adjusting techniques are modified for maximum comfort and results.

Patients that are active or have stressful jobs want to be at their very best and find that schedules of preventive visits are vital in maintaining good health. Unfortunately, most patients only seek chiropractic care only when their aches and pains become unbearable. While understandable, this type of “crisis management” is usually more costly and time consuming compared to preventive care.

The most common cause of interference to nerve signals is known as a subluxation.

A subluxation is when one or more of the bones in your spine move out of position and puts pressure on a nerve or nerves and therefore interferes with proper nerve function.

It is the job of the chiropractor to find any of these subluxations that are affecting your nervous system and then correct these subluxations that are the fundamental underlying cause of your problems.